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Bug#366858: mktextfm should not fail if /var/cache/fonts i unwritable

reassign 366858 tex-common

Bas Zoetekouw <bas@debian.org> wrote:

> Package: tetex-bin
> Version: 3.0-16
> Severity: important

Hi Bas,

I just found that there is no answer to this bug - I had the impression
that we had talked about it, but can't find anything.  Maybe it's
because a couple of people reported very similar bugs.

I recall I have written something about better documentation, and asking
questions.  Maybe forgot to send the mail to the BTS, and you forgot to

> The particular case that bit me was building a documentation package
> in pbuilder.  The default pbuilder user in the chroot is not in the
> users group, and so any (La)TeX processing during the build process
> fails.

There used to be a bug in tex-common that caused this, but now it's
suppossed to be fixed.  We should investigate why it still happens with
tex-common 0.22.

Can you please export DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer to the pbuilder
environment, repeat the build attempt and send us the resulting logfile? 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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