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Re: tex-common and lintian warnings

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> Hi Frank!
> I build my own 0.22 of tex-common as I need it for texlive building, and
> I found quite some lintian warnings:
> W: tex-common: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man8/update-language.8.gz 153: warning: can't find numbered character 252
> 	Küster instead of K\[:u]ster

Okay, fixed

> W: tex-common: non-standard-dir-perm var/cache/fonts/pk/ 1777 != 0755
> W: tex-common: non-standard-dir-perm var/cache/fonts/tfm/ 1777 != 0755
> W: tex-common: non-standard-dir-perm var/cache/fonts/source/ 1777 != 0755
> 	I guess we have to add a lintian override for this, or?


> W: tex-common: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/bug/tex-common/control
> 	well, yes, I guess we should add a #!/bin/bash

No, it is not a script, and it isn't supposed to be executable.  It's a
bug that this file is executable, and I've fixed it.

> W: tex-common: postinst-uses-db-input
> 	this comes from
> 		db_input critical  tex-common/check_texmf_wrong || true
> 	in the check_texmf calls.

This is also a case for a lintian override:  If we fail, we want to fail
gracefully, and this means to inform the user why we fail.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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