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Bug#365583: Font problem

Philipp Klaus Krause <pkk@spth.de> wrote:

>> Can you try 
>> apt-get --reinstall install tex-common
>> and see whether this helps?  It should, but now the directories are
>> world-writable until you dpkg-reconfigure it again.
> I now have
> notebook2:/var/cache/fonts# ls -la
> insgesamt 24
> drwxrwsr-t  5 root users 4096 2006-05-01 16:45 .
> drwxr-xr-x 11 root root  4096 2006-04-30 16:18 ..
> -rw-rw-r--  1 root users   79 2006-05-01 07:36 ls-R
> drwxrwsr-t  2 root users 4096 2006-04-21 09:55 pk
> drwxrwsr-t  2 root users 4096 2006-04-21 09:55 source
> drwxrwsr-t  2 root users 4096 2006-04-21 09:55 tfm
> and
> notebook2:/var/cache/fonts# ls -la tfm
> insgesamt 8
> drwxrwsr-t 2 root users 4096 2006-04-21 09:55 .
> drwxrwsr-t 5 root users 4096 2006-05-01 16:45 ..
> But the error when trying to compile my .tex file is still the same.

Oh.  So let's try to dissect the commands called by TeX.  Please try first

kpsewhich --format='web2c files' mktexdir

This should give "/usr/share/texmf/web2c/mktexdir".  Assuming that this
is the same on your system, please call the following commands:

/usr/share/texmf/web2c/mktexdir /var/cache/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/
echo $?
ls /var/cache/fonts/tfm/jknappen/

I assume this will again fail to create
/var/cache/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec.  For debugging, call 

sh -x /usr/share/texmf/web2c/mktexdir /var/cache/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ 2> mktexdir.log

and send us the resulting file mktexdir.log

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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