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Re: Permission scheme: Real world test needed

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

>   else
>     # this question has not been seen, so if the permissions are
>     # - either the new permissions 3775 as we want to ship them
>     # - or the permissions as shipped by old tetex versions
>     # then set the managecache to true, otherwise to false
>     # we will later change it to 3775 in the true case
>     if [ $PERMS = 3775 -o $PERMS = 1777 ] ; then
>       db_set tex-common/managecache true || true
>       db_set tex-common/groupname "$GROUP" || true

Will this not set the group ownership to root if it is a fresh install?

> In the test
> 	SEEN = true and PERMS = 3775
> should we also check wether all subdirectories have 3775?

Formally - maybe yes.  But in fact: no.  I'd keep it like it is until we
get a bug report with an explanation why it makes sense to have a
different setting in the subdirs.  I don't think it's worth it.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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