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Re: Bug#298884: tetex-bin fails to install

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 18:21:06 +0100,
 Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

  So now you are using which versions?  I just found that tetex-bin_3.0-1
  hasn't made it into the archive, although I got the ACCEPTED mail. 

    > This time I got back to the
    > same position: TEXMFLOCAL defined incorrectly. 
  How was it defined?  Did it ask you a question about that file?  Or do
  you use the noninteractive frontend?

TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/share/texmf-local

No questions, although normally I think
installation might be interactive. 

    > changed that in /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf and
    > noticed a harmless but odd definition of
    > TEXMFDIST.  I left it alone.  
  Could you please send us /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf plus all files
  with the same basename and a .cnf.dpkg-* extension?

The attached is the original 05TeXMF.cnf.  There
are no related files (.cnf.dpkg-*).

% original texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.
% (If you change or delete `original' on the previous line, the
% distribution won't install its version over yours.)
% Public domain.
% What follows is a super-summary of what this .cnf file can
% contain. Please read the Kpathsea manual for more information.
% texmf.cnf is generated from texmf.in, by replacing @var@ with the
% value of the Make variable `var', via a sed file texmf.sed, generated
% (once) by kpathsea/Makefile (itself generated from kpathsea/Makefile.in
% by configure).
% Any identifier (sticking to A-Za-z_ for names is safest) can be assigned.
% The `=' (and surrounding spaces) is optional.
% No % or @ in texmf.in, for the sake of autogeneration.
% (However, %'s and @'s can be edited into texmf.cnf or put in envvar values.)
% $foo (or ${foo}) in a value expands to the envvar or cnf value of foo.
% Earlier entries (in the same or another file) override later ones, and
% an environment variable foo overrides any texmf.cnf definition of foo.
% All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so you can use
% variables before they are defined. 
% If a variable assignment is qualified with `.PROGRAM', it is ignored
% unless the current executable (last filename component of argv[0]) is
% named PROGRAM.  This foo.PROGRAM construct is not recognized on the
% right-hand side. For environment variables, use FOO_PROGRAM.
% Which file formats use which paths for searches is described in the
% various programs' and the kpathsea documentation.
% // means to search subdirectories (recursively).
% A leading !! means to look only in the ls-R db, never on the disk.
% A leading/trailing/doubled ; in the paths will be expanded into the
%   compile-time default. Probably not what you want.
% You can use brace notation, for example: /usr/local/{mytex:othertex}
% expands to /usr/local/mytex:/usr/local/othertex.  Instead of the path
% separator you can use a comma: /usr/local/{mytex,othertex} also expands
% to /usr/local/mytex:/usr/local/othertex.  However, the use of the comma
% instead of the path separator is deprecated.
% The text above assumes thet path separator is a colon (:).  Non-UNIX
% systems use different path separators, like the semicolon (;).

%  Part 1: Search paths and directories.

% You can set an environment variable to override TEXMF if you're testing
% a new TeX tree, without changing anything else.
% You may wish to use one of the $SELFAUTO... variables here so TeX will
% find where to look dynamically.  See the manual and the definition
% below of TEXMFCNF.

% The tree containing the runtime files closely related to the specific
% program version used:
TEXMFMAIN = /usr/share/texmf

% The main distribution tree:
% TEXMFDIST = /usr/share/texmf-dist
% TEXMFDIST is not used in Debian, everything is in /usr/share/texmfMAIN
TEXMFDIST = /usr/share/texmfMAIN

% A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree.
% This tree is not used for local configuration maintained by
% texconfig, it uses TEXMFCONFIG below.
TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/share/texmf-local

% TEXMFSYSVAR, where texconfig-sys stores variable runtime data.
% With teTeX-3.0 or later, this must be set.
% For sharing this tree with $TEXMFMAIN:
% For using a separate tree:
%   TEXMFSYSVAR = /usr/share/texmf-var
% Debian uses this separate TEXMFSYSVAR tree:
TEXMFSYSVAR = /var/lib/texmf

% TEXMFSYSCONFIG, where texconfig-sys stores configuration data.
% With teTeX-3.0 or later, this must be set.
% For sharing this tree with $TEXMFMAIN:
% For using a separate tree:
%   TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /usr/share/texmf-config
% In Debian, this should be the same as TEXMFMAIN

% User texmf trees can be catered for like this...
% This used to be HOMETEXMF.

% TEXMFVAR, where texconfig stores variable runtime data.
% With teTeX-3.0 or later, this must be set.
% For sharing this tree with $TEXMFMAIN:
% For using a separate tree:
%   TEXMFVAR = $HOME/.texmf-var
TEXMFVAR = $HOME/.texmf-var

% TEXMFCONFIG, where texconfig stores configuration data.
% With teTeX-3.0 or later, this must be set.
% For sharing this tree with $TEXMFMAIN:
% For using a separate tree:
%   TEXMFCONFIG = $HOME/.texmf-config
% For using a separate tree:
%   TEXMFCONFIG = /usr/share/texmf-config
TEXMFCONFIG = $HOME/.texmf-config

% Now, list all the texmf trees. If you have multiple trees you can
% use shell brace notation, like this:
% The braces are necessary.
% For texconfig to work properly, TEXMFCONGIG and TEXMFVAR should be named
% explicitly and before all other trees.

% The system trees.  These are the trees that are shared by all the users.

% Where generated fonts may be written.  This tree is used when the sources
% were found in a system tree and either that tree wasn't writable, or the
% varfonts feature was enabled in MT_FEATURES in mktex.cnf.
VARTEXFONTS = /var/spool/texmf

% Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
% Remove $VARTEXFONTS from TEXMFDBS if the VARTEXFONTS directory is below
% one of the TEXMF directories (avoids overlapping ls-R files).

% It may be convenient to define TEXMF like this:
% which allows users to set up entire texmf trees, and tells TeX to
% look in places like ~/tex and ~/bibtex.  If you do this, define TEXMFDBS
% like this:
% or mktexlsr will generate an ls-R file for $HOME when called, which is
% rarely desirable.  If you do this you'll want to define SYSTEXMF like
% this:
% so that fonts from a user's tree won't escape into the global trees.
% On some systems, there will be a system tree which contains all the font
% files that may be created as well as the formats.  For example
%   TEXMFVAR = /var/lib/texmf
% is used on many Linux systems.  In this case, set VARTEXFONTS like this
% and do not mention it in TEXMFDBS (but _do_ mention TEXMFVAR).

    > But the worst part
    > is that the cmr10 font, for example, was not
    > found.  But installing tetex-extra, unexpectedly,
    > seems to solve that.  I do not know what would
    > happen if my preference had been for bitmap
    > fonts, though.
  Could you send us the error message?

I TeXed a small plain TeX file.  and then I did:

weg@hilbert:~$ dvips -Ppk -o out.ps _region_.dvi  
This is dvips(k) 5.95a Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
' TeX output 2005.03.11:1427' -> out.ps
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600 cmr10
mkdir: cannot create directory `././var/spool/texmf': Permission denied
mktexpk: mktexdir /var/spool/texmf/pk/ljfour/public/cm failed.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
dvips: Font cmr10 not found, characters will be left blank.
<tex.pro>. [1]  
    > On installing tetex-base I noticed this:
    > Unpacking tetex-base (from .../tetex-base_3.0-1_all.deb) ...
    > dpkg: tetex-base: warning - config file `etc/texmf/platex/language.dat' is a cir
    > cular link
    >  (= `/etc/texmf/platex/language.dat')
    > dpkg: tetex-base: warning - config file `etc/texmf/platex/hyphen.cfg' is a circu
    > lar link
    >  (= `/etc/texmf/platex/hyphen.cfg')
    > dpkg: tetex-base: warning - config file `etc/texmf/cyrplain/cyrtex.cfg' is a cir
    > cular link
    >  (= `/etc/texmf/cyrplain/cyrtex.cfg')
  That is a known bug which resulted from upgrading from 2.0.2 to
  2.99-I_forgot, but should be fixed in 3.0.  Are you sure that you
  *purged* the tetex packages, not only *removed* them?

Yes, and it is verified in the bash history.

apt-get --purge  remove  tetex-bin
apt-get --purge  remove  tetex-base

I did not have any 2.0.2 files.


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