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Re: Question for A. Towns - NM

Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote on -vote:

> P.S. should anybody be in search of a package to devote their work to,
> and have some bandwidth and disk space available, and be interested in
> TeX, please join debian-tetex-maint!


I have bandwidth, disk space, and a fairly good command of TeX arcana
and BibTeX stylefiles. I maintain the bibclean package (a validator
and prettyprinter for BibTeX database files).  Regrettably not much
familiarity with what happens to fonts outside the TeX program itself
(though I did once read the Metafontbook).

What I don't have is oceans of time, but I hope that the river or
small pond of time I can supply will offset the cost of coaching me
about what needs to be done.

So what needs work? Triaging new bugs, fixing specific old bugs,
packaging or testing teTeX 3?

Henning Makholm                           "... a specialist in the breakaway
                           oxidation phenomena of certain nuclear reactors."

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