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Bug#297284: base: tetex after sarge install not setup correctly

On Mar 1, 2005, at 2:25 AM, Frank Küster wrote:

"Jeffrey B. Green" <jbgreen@frontiernet.net> schrieb:

[... snip ....] Before you close out this bug
report, you might put in some test for the correct environment
variable settings in your tetex debconfig.

Just realized that testing it there isn't going to catch such things, especially at install time. Maybe in texconfig, though that would involve a lot more work since many more people are involved (I would think....?).

Ah, this is interesting.  You are the second one who has such problems
because of environment variables that were set on woody.  However, I
never needed to set any environment variables to get tetex to work in
woody, and I also don't know where this is recommended. Do you remember
why you had to set those variables, or which documentation made you
believe that it should be done?  We should probably also fix this.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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