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Bug#294197: upgrading tetex creates ls-R in user homedir if sudo is used

Uwe Zeisberger <zeisberg@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> schrieb:

> The problem here is, that 
> a) sudo doesn't unset HOME (which is for most cases a good behaviour)

you can use sudo's option -H.

> b) mktexlsr obiously uses ${HOME}/texmf and is not affected by umask[1]
> (I'm not sure, if b) alone is already a bug.)

No, that's the intended behavior.

> When I add HOME to the envvars that are unset'ed at the top of
> tetex-base.postinst, this file is not created.
> [1]
> zeisberg@cepheus:~/texmf$ ls

Once the file has its permissions, it just keeps them.

I guess the reason is that you didn't call texhash/mktexlsr as a user
after creating the HOMETEXMF directory. If you would have done this, the
file would have been created with the same permissions as its parent
directory, ~/texmf, minus t, x, and s, and with you and your group as
its owner.

Once the file exists, mktexlsr doesn't change its permissions or
ownerships; it justs cat's into the file if it has the necessary

Hm. unsetting HOME in postinst's environment could relieve you from this
inconvenience. But I don't know which other effects it could have. 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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