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Bug#293179: *Semi*-Bugfix in tetex-base: Wrong backticks in courier: /var/lib/texmf/dvips/base/psfonts.map

Hans Baier <mail@hans-baier.de> schrieb:

> Well............... At least half of it.
> ********************************************
> As of now, I tried it on the intel machine:
> dvips worked this time, but ps2pdf had the same problem as before.

Are the versions of tetex-bin and its dependencies that same on the
intel machine? Ideally, just use "reportbug tetex-bin" on the intel
machine, and when it asks you whether the bug is in the list above, say
yes (no need to scroll through the whole list) and enter the bug number,
293179. Then it will generate a bug report with all the version
information included and send it to the existing bug.

> I don't figure out the difference between the two versions,
> (I use sarge on powerpc and the production system
> is sarge on i386), whereas on the powerpc machine both work.
> attached are the two different versions
> of dvips -Ppdf -q -f nfssfont.dvi

Ah, it's with -Ppdf. I'll try that, but of course in the Postscript
files you provided I can see the difference.

Gruß, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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