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Re: dh_installtexfonts and dvips -P config.foo

Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <danai.sae-han@skynet.be> wrote:

> 'ello Norbert!
>> On Die, 29 Nov 2005, Danai SAE-HAN wrote:
>> > `config.foo' file in, let's say /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/ with
>> > 
>> >   Map +foo.map
>> > 
>> > as its contents, so a command like `dvips -P foo' would work too?
>> Can you try out the attached dh_installtexfonts if it is what you think
>> is useful?
> It works when updmap-sys has also registered the mapfile.  "dvips -P
> bar" doesn't work anymore when it's commented in updmap.d/bar.cfg
> after the installation.

That's strange - dvips knows nothing about the files in updmap.d, only
about the generated updmap.cfg.  And didn't you say that the -P foo
mechanism was intended specifically to use fonts that are disabled in

> I would like to modify the manpage a bit.

It sounds better, but I have further suggestions:

>         --flavor=flavor_of_the_day
>             This option will be used to switch additional options on. At the
>             moment you can use either `withconfig´ or `withallconfig´.
>             `withconfig´ will create a config.bar file for each
>             activated (id est uncommented) map in foo.map when

... for each activated (i.e. uncommented) map file named "bar.map" in
package.cfg or package.map (for methods 1 and 3, respectively or for
each commandline map file) when ...

(if bar is used once, it should be used at the other place, too.  And
foo.map should only be used if it is also consistently used in the other 

>             dh_installtexfonts is called in either of the three ways
>             as described ut supra.  These config.bar files will

s/ut supra/above/.  I don't know whether "ut supra" is common in current
english, but for non-native speakers it is uncommon and probably hard to
understand (except if they know latin).

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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