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Bug#334613: tetex-bin: same problem still exists

Kenward Vaughan <kay_jay@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 01:20:28PM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
>> It looks suspiciously as if you have
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^  ???

I'm not investigating your behavior here, but a bug, and if I have
suspicions, it's against some "things", never a user.  I didn't mean to
imply any criticism, but I find that I'm sometimes poor in expressing
what I think in english, especially where technical and non-technical
issues mix.  Sorry if I upset you.

> All I can say is what I've already said.  I have no memory of ever
> touching these files.  The only time I _might_ have that I can think of
> would have been with the addition of a LaTeX package from CTAN into my
> local area, which I haven't done in a long time.
> I have been using Sid since I can remember (i.e. years).  I know
> NOTHING about the workings of (La)TeX outside of my use of it with LyX,
> which I use to do all of my writing for work.  The file more or less is
> gibberish to me, which is why I stated that nothing was recognizable.
> I don't use experimental, and wouldn't have had any reason to try
> upgrading when I wouldn't have known a reason to do so.  Neither do I
> understand why this problem hit me now, as I just finished updating my
> system about 3 weeks ago, with no problems.  I update with about that
> frequency.  

I'm sorry, but I'm out of ideas.  I trust you when you say that you
didn't do these things, but I have no idea either how the old file could
have gotten how it is.  I have never heard of any buggy package that
would do such edits.

Well, there is one thing that we have learned from this report:  We must
put some code into the postinst script that checks for essential
settings, like the fontpath thing, and either fix it or fail with a
*good* error message.  This is bug #338585, which I'm going to address

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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