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Re: (fwd) pfb2t1c2pfb 0.2 released, debian package ready for sponsoring on tug

On 03.11.05 Martin Zobel-Helas (zobel@debian.org) wrote:

Hi Martin

>  * There is no "Public Domain" in German Law. I don't know for Austrian,
>    but i guess it is the same.
>  * even if there is PD in Austria the mails from your upstream in
>    debian/copyright should be digitaly signed, so everyone can see this
>    mails are from him. It might not been needed, but it makes it easier
>    if the are in the initial upload, as Joerg Jaspert might complain if
>    they are not. It makes things go smoother in the NEW-Queue.
>  * your changelog entry "and may be distributed and modified (with
>    permission from the author)" might be read as: "you may only
>    distribute and/or only modify, if the author gives its permission."
>    This would fail with DFSG §1, §3 and §5 and therefore be non-free or
>    not even that.
I've got now a signed E-mail from Peter Szabo, stating that the
programs can be used under the GPL license. I plan now to:

- add a COPYING file to the "upstream tar ball" containing the GPL
- add a changelog to the "upstream tar ball", which will mostly
  contain only the license story.  I'll state in there that it is
  rather a pseudo changelog as the programs itself never changed
- take the E-Mail and add it as readme.lic, to the "upstream tar
  ball". Hmm, the mail is signed as

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: Digital signature
Content-Disposition: inline

  can I simply extract only the message and the sig from the E-Mail
  instead of including the whole E-Mail?

Anything more to do?


Attachment: pgpCnlbkDDlYH.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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