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Re: pfb2t1c2pfb status?

On 09.11.05 Norbert Preining (preining@logic.at) wrote:


> I forgot the current status of pfb2t1c2pfb. How is it going, did
> you find a sponsor?
I asked Martin Zobel-Helas. He said he would sponsor the package, but
he said, the license issue would not be clarified yet. "public
domain" is not sufficient. I asked then the author of pfb2t1c2pfb if
he could choose another one and send me a PGP-signed message to state
this. I'm still waiting for Peters answer.

Hey, Jim, it's me, Susie Lillis from the laundromat.  You said you were
gonna call and it's been two weeks.  What's wrong, you lose my number?

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