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Building TeX formats for texinfo

Dear Thomas,

recently we had a look at the file texk/web2c/fmtutil.in form the
tetex-src tar ball. This file still refers to three cyrillic formats:

# - Cyrillic:
#! cyrtex       pdfetex         language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *cyrtex.ini
#! cyrtexinfo   pdfetex         language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *cyrtxinf.ini
#! cyramstex    pdfetex         language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *cyramstx.ini

According to the current maintainer of the texinfo package in Debian
(Norbert Preining) the second entry is not needed any more and
should not only be commented out, but completely removed.
Could we get a short statement, why it is still in there?

Kind Regards,
http://www.hilmar-preusse.de.vu/    #206401 http://counter.li.org

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