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TeXlive for Debian - new packages on tug

Dear friends!

A new generation of Debian packages of TeX live are available on the tug
server, as usual see
and get it at
 	deb http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ pool/
 	deb-src http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ pool/

Note: If you had an older version of the packages installed, PLEASE
completely purge these packages before installing the new ones! THe
reason for this: The location of files have changed and some files have
been replaced by symlinks, which with a normal upgrade process gives

  * Fix installation of /var/cache/font etc, make it multi user able
  * Link verious config files into /etc/texmf
  * remove generated formats in the postrm script
  * dynamically generate ChangeLog file from the ChangeLog of tpm2deb

Upcoming (with the next packages):
  * Include the included packages and their title in the long description
    of the control files, and generate the control files automatically.

Package: texlive-basic
Description: TeXLive: Essential programs and files
 These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering
 plain TeX macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common
 This package includes the following CTAN packages:
 bibtex -- Bibliography management for LaTeX.
 cm -- Computer Modern fonts.
 cmex -- The cmex package.
 dvips -- A dvi to PostScript driver.
 enctex --  A tex extension translating input on its way into TeX. 
 fontname -- Naming scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
 makeindex --  Process index output to produce typesettable code. 
 metafont -- Macro package for TeX (the most popular).
 misc -- Miscellaneous macros for TeX and MF.
 plain -- The Plain TeX format.
 tex-ps -- TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
sip:preining@at43.tuwien.ac.at                             +43 (0) 59966-690018
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
The colour of some of Nigel Rees's trousers, worn in the mistaken
belief that they go rather well with his sproston green (q.v.)
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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