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Re: [tex-live] Re: Proposal for a tex-base package

Norbert Preining wrote:

More interesting is the mem size differences:
(again 1. tetex, 2. texlive)
main_memory = 1000000
main_memory = 1500000

font_mem_size = 500000
font_mem_size = 1000000

param_size = 5000
param_size = 10000

stack_size = 1500
stack_size = 5000

ocp_buf_size = 20000
ocp_buf_size = 500000

these are the fall-backs (but if i were you i'd take the larger values); most macro packages have larger associated memory values

And then, the following things are only in texlive, don't know what they
are used for ;-)
main_memory.mf          = 800000
main_memory.mpost       = 1000000
pool_size.mpost         = 500000
main_memory.metafun     = 2500000
pool_size.metafun       = 1000000

this is for the more demanding metapost user and since metapost is becoming more popular (watch how texmf/metapost grows) it makes sense to have the large texlive memory values

% XeTeX
OTFFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/otf/{xetex,}//
TTF2TFMINPUTS =                 .;$TEXMF/ttf2pk//

xetex is mac specific


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