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Bug#311424: \usepackage{epstopdf} does not create pdf files

I have realized the cause of the problem. To enable pdf creation on the fly, the `\write18' has to be enabled via the command line option: -shell-escape of pdflatex
(example: pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex) or via the configuration file `texmf.cnf': (shell_escape = 1) as it is stated in the epstopdf.sty file.
However one should not expect the user to dig into the sty files.

Therefor I suggest an appropriate error message, when the epstopdf packages is used in latex documents, but `\write18' is disabled. In addition an example of how to enable it (example: pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex) would be very helpful.

Frank Breitling
Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin, +49-30-20937-814(phone)/-642(fax)

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