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Re: Is there a chance for teTeX-3.0 in sarge?

Florent Rougon <f.rougon@free.fr> wrote:

>   1. I fear that some people who are not reading this list may be bitten
>      by the upgrade, that's all. *I*, personally, from a purely selfish
>      POV, would prefer having teTeX 3 in sarge; *I* wouldn't mind fixing
>      a few of my documents if necessary to have that.

I forgot to add that:
  - of course, incompatibilities introduced by e.g. LaTeX packages in
    teTeX 3 or later will _anyway_ have to be fixed in documents written
    by end users (be it when they upgrade to sarge or to etch; having
    teTeX 3 in sarge may even be seen as an advantage here, since it
    would avoid people the teTeX 1 to teTeX 2 transition);
  - the other kind of possible incompatibility, the one that is
    triggered (and can hopefully be fixed) in other Debian packages, is
    only be a problem if sarge is released soon; if it is still months
    away, those problems can be shaken out... but as usual, nobody
    knows. :-/


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