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Bug#246818: Deleting conffiles in maintainer scripts and the need to resurrect them later...

[replying to myself to avoid confusing people...]

Florent Rougon <f.rougon@free.fr> wrote:

> Well, the remark would IMO encourage the user not to remove the file so
> that it doesn't even need to be resurrected when it comes back to use
> (until what I see as a dpkg bug [no prompt when conffiles are updated in
> the package but have been deleted by the admin; er, I didn't actually
> verify that this is the case] is fixed).

I had not read Frank's message <[🔎] 874qqu998y.fsf@alhambra.bioz.unibas.ch>
when I wrote this, but since it says that dpkg *does* prompt the user in
the case described in the previous paragraph, having the remark in the
file say "do not remove this file" is not necessary.


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