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Bug#144647: teTeX: Please help us with some context commands

Hi Frank,

i cc this to the context list, just in case someone will volunteer for helping you to get the man pages done

I'm a Debian developer working on the packages for teTeX in our
distribution. We would like to provide documentation in form of a man
page for every program we provide. There are some perl scripts in
ConTeXt that currently don't have a manpage, and are also not mentioned
in the available pdf files. Since I personally don't use ConTeXt, it is
hard for me to write these manpages. I tried, by looking at the
available ConTeXt documentation, but at some points I need some help. It
would be great if you could give me some hints.

Tobias Burnus has already helped me a lot, he wrote:

> texfont: Font installation util,
> http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/mtexfont.pdf

I looked into this file, but mainly used the output of "texfont --help"
to create a manpage, and direct the user to the pdf. In the script some
mfont.pdf is mentioned - is this just an old name of mtexfont.pdf?

that's "mfonts.pdf" (a document describing how to add fonts to context)

> texfind: A kind of grep with graphical output

I just discovered this, this looks very interesting. Unfortunately I
don't know much about perl, therefore I couldn't find out

- whether it accepts any commandline options, besides "--font" for the
  menu font

- how the search and replace stuff really works. I guess it also uses
  Perl regex syntax, and was able to do a replacement in the display
  window - but how can I save it to the file?

you can't; it's mostly meant for users who cannot find back something, say that i have this macro


what one can do then is a recursive search and get an overview of locations then; it's a rather stupid thing -)

it indeed accepts perl regexps

someday i may extend it with some more options

there is also texshow.pl, which is provides some help about context commands; a similar system is available for emacs

> fdf2tan: Convert PDF formular data (FDF) into something (Con)TeX(t)
> can handle
> fdf2tex: Dito. For both: Ask Hans for the details

these are used (often indirectly) to convert fdf files to something tex; you may as well omit them; fdf is the form data format that goes with pdf

> mptopdf: Convert a MetaPost file into a PDF (mpost file.mp creates a
> Postscript file which doesn't contain the fonts, therefore one has to
> run it through tex+dvips/pdftex using a tex file wrapper)


> makempy: Currently, I frankly don't remember the purpose of this script

I would very much appreciate if you could give me a one-liner for these
scripts, and/or direct me to some documentation.

this script is part of the metafun suite and is used (often indirectly, like makempx) to convert text into outline that can be handled by metapost (metafun);

http://www.pragma-ade.com/show-case.pdf -> manuals -> makempy.pdf

> But the biggest omission is probably the ConTeXt manual which is
> incomplete, but nethertheless indispensible:
> http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/cont-eni.pdf

I have asked Thomas Esser to include this.

There are also some scripts written in ruby (like pstopdf); actually, in a short time there will be a series of tex-as-a-service kind of applications added to the distribution; is there any chance that ruby will be installed in the linux's by default (i assume that if debian does this the rest will follow).


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