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Bug#267413: Problems with tetex-bin and debiandoc2*

Frank K?ster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> Hi Ardo,
> we have a strange bug report here about zope FTBFS'ing because of a
> problem when debiandoc2ps calls latex. The original submitter has judged
> that this is a bug in tetex-bin, and indeed when logging into the dchroot
> on merulo.debian.org, one gets exactly the same error messages as in the
> build log.
> On merulo, however, I could pin down the problem to a change in the
> default debconf settings of tetex-bin long ago, that have not been
> accepted by the dchroot admins; when tetex-bin is installed from
> scratch, the same error cannot occur.
> There _is_ some error on the buildd's, however, and I do not know why.
> Did you have any similar complaints? Any idea? The bug logs are at 
> http://bugs.debian.org/267413, with links to the buildd's logs in the
> first mail
> Thanks in advance, Frank

Hello Frank,

I've not been getting any complaints about this regarding debiandoc-sgml.
However, there are some issues with tetex-bin that could explain this.  I
noticed you already contacted the tetex team about this, so me telling you
to do exactly that is not needed anymore.

Ardo van Rangelrooij                                     Debian XML/SGML Group
<ardo@debian.org>              <debian-xml-sgml-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
http://people.debian.org/~ardo/      http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org/

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