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Bug#267664: tetex-bin: 'latex' command will not run due to broken config files.

Benjamin Redelings I <bredelin@ucla.edu> schrieb:

> Many thanks for the quick and detailed response!
> Based on your instructions I have fixed the problem.
> The problem was exxacerbated by my foolishly defining TEXMF and
> TEXINPUT in my .bashrc (which I forgot).
> After I altered /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf and remove the definitions of
> TEXMF and TEXINPUT from my .bashrc things worked fine.

Good to hear that. By the way, setting TEXINPUTS usually does no harm:

frank@alhambra:~$ echo $TEXINPUTS

This has the effect that the ./bilder directory is always included in
the search path (if it exists in the current directory).

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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