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Bug#235401: Correction

Sorry, due to a glitch in the matrix I have attached two identical copies
of "good" /etc/texmf/language.dat to the previous message. The real "bad"
one is attached to this message.

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        jurij@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC
% File    : language.dat
% Purpose : specify which hypenation patterns to load 
%           while running iniTeX 

% CAUTION: the first language will be the default if no style-file
%          (e.g. german.sty) is used.
% Since version 3.0 of TeX, hyphenation patterns for multiple languages are
% possible. Unless you know what you are doing, please let the american
% english patterns be the first ones. The babel system allows you to
% easily change the active language for your texts. For more information,
% have a look to the documentation in texmf/doc/generic/babel.

% The hyphenation pattern files are in the dirctory:
%	texmf/tex/generic/hyphen

% The US-english patterns should be loaded *always* and as *first* ones.
% Define USenglish as an alias for american.
american ushyph1.tex

% UK english, TWO LINES! To enabling these lines, remove and the space.
british  ukhyphen.tex

% english should always be defined. Either an alias for american or british.

% The following languages are disabled by default. Uncomment, what you need.
% To enable, remove and the space.
% French and German, TWO lines each!
french		frhyph.tex
german		dehypht.tex
For use with ngerman.sty (neue Rechtschreibung):
ngerman		dehyphn.tex

bahasa	inhyph.tex
basque	bahyph.tex
croatian	hrhyph.tex
czech	czhyph.tex      % depends on csplain being installed
danish	dkhyphen.tex
dutch	nehyph.tex
finnish	fi8hyph.tex
greek	grhyph.tex
italian	ithyph.tex
latin	lahyph.tex
magyar	huhyph.tex
norsk	nohyph.tex      % old file
norsk	nohyphb.tex     % see texmf/doc/generic/nohyph/README.nohyph
norsk	nohyphbc.tex    % see texmf/doc/generic/nohyph/README.nohyph
polish	plhyph.tex
portuges	pt8hyph.tex
romanian	rohyphen.tex
russian	ruhyphen.tex	% note: edit ruhyphen.tex for your encoding!
slovak	skhyph.tex      % depends on csplain being installed
slovene	sihyph23.tex
spanish	sphyph.tex
turkish	trhyph.tex

% For Ukrainian, either use ukrhyph.tex (and edit that file for the encoding
% that you need) or use one of the ukrhyph.ENC files.
ukrainian	ukrhyph.tex
ukrainian	ukrhyph.t2a
ukrainian	ukrhyph.lcy
ukrainian	ukrhyph.ot2

% A "language" without hyphenation:
nohyphenation zerohyph.tex

% Please contact me, if for any of the following languages there are
% freely available hyphenation tables:
%	catalan esperanto galician swedish
% I might want to include them in a future version of this file.
% Email   : Thomas Esser, te@dbs.uni-hannover.de

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