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Bug#222682: tetex-bin: dvipdfm makes big delimiters disappear in this document

On 10.12.03 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> schrieb:


> > And I guess you don't have cmex9.pfb, although there is an entry in
> > ttcmex.map and hence in dvipdfm.map. /var/spool/texmf has moved to
> > /var/cache/texmf a while ago.
> ~$ locate cmex9.pfb
> ~$ grep cmex9 /etc/texmf/dvips/ttcmex.map 
> cmex9 TeX-cmex9 <fmex9.pfb
I guess, this entry can be found in the dvipdfm.map file. When
calling dvipdfm with strace: Does it even try to open dvipdfm.map? On
stable it calls only the files in /etc/texmf/dvipdfm and

drachi:[hille] >grep -i cmex9 /etc/texmf/dvipdfm/*
drachi:[hille] >

> ~$ locate fmex9.pfb
> /home/frank/src/Packages/tetex/tetex-base-2.0.2/texmf/fonts/type1/public/tt2001/fmex9.pfb
> /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/tt2001/fmex9.pfb
Sorry! Missed that it points to fmex9, so searching for cmex9.pfb is

> > So the final problem: Why doesn't he generate the pk-file if the
> > pfb-File is missing?
> Don't know.
You forwarded already to upstream, I hope we'll get an answer from

sigmentation fault

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