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Bug#218178: latex package not up-to-date

diego Caraffini <diego.caraffini@pg.infn.it> schrieb:

> Package: tetex-extra
> Version: 2.0.2-5
> The booktabs.sty included in the package has version number 1.6,

According to \ProvidesPackage, it has version number 1.61

> while the documentation says that 
>  "The latest release (Version 1.618) is only a patch to correct a problem with
> the vertical spacing of \cmidrule "

I can't find this sentence in booktabs.dvi that we ship; it states that
it is for 1.61.

> I noticed it while typesetting a table which showed slightly misaligned rules.

That is a bad thing, however:

> I suggest to update the file booktabs.sty to the latest version from CTAN

This is not practical. We cannot do the work of compiling an up-to-date
excerpt of CTAN, including the job of making the decisions which
packages should be shipped at all. What we do is make a Debian package
out of the tetex distribution. So in essence this a wishlist bug for the
upstream tetex. If you want, we can forward your suggestion
upstream. But I am sure that it won't speed up anything. Thomas Esser is
yet working on the new release, but is concentrating on what is
tetex-bin in Debian: The TeX binaries themselves, xdvi and so forth. You
can be sure that, once the binary part is in good shape, he will ship it
with the most up-to-date files for tetex-base and tetex-extra - even if
we don't report this as a wishlist bug.

Thank you for your interest in tetex,
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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