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Bug#119531: inclusion wish for latin10.def

LaTeX2e bug report.
Generated by latexbug.tex on 2003/08/26

Reports may be submitted by email to latex-bugs@latex-project.org
Please use the subject line:
Subject: inclusion wish for latin10.def

To follow up an existing report, include the bug reference, e.g.
"latex/1234: ", preceding the subject text.

>Category: latex
>Synopsis: inclusion wish for latin10.def
>Confidential: no
>Release: LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
>Originator: hille42@web.de (Hilmar Preusse)
 Hyphenation: Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, british, french, german, ngerman, czech, italian, spanish, nohyphenation, loaded.
 \@TeXversion: undefined (Standard setting for TeX3.141 and later)
 \@currdir: macro:->./
 \input@path: undefined (Standard setting)
 *** Initex configuration files
 2001/06/04 v2.2z LaTeX Kernel (Uncustomised text font setup)
 2001/06/04 v2.2z LaTeX Kernel (Text font setup)
 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 2001/06/04 v2.2z LaTeX Kernel (Uncustomised math font setup)
 2001/06/04 v2.2z LaTeX Kernel (Math font setup)
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
 2001/06/04 v2.2z LaTeX Kernel (Uncustomised preload font setup)
 1998/08/17 v2.1g LaTeX Kernel (Font Preloading)
 2001/03/01 v3.7h Babel language switching mechanism
Description of bug:
Hi all,

Down here in the Debian Bug Tracking system we've got the request to
include latin10.def to support input encoding for the Romanian
language according to ISO8859-16. Additionally to the input encoding
it defines 2 letters (s and t with comma below), which are not part
of the EC-fonts. Char #164 can probably replaced by \texteuro . The
complete bug report is available on http://bugs.debian.org/119531 .
Please give us a short statement if you refuse the inclusion.
  The mentioned latin9.def is already included in LaTeX.



Sample file which indicates the problem:
%% This is file `latin10.def',
%% This is a new file.
%% Copyright 2001
%%    Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcã
%% Permision granted to copy, distribute and redistribute this file.
%% The comma below accent for S, s, T and t doesn't look good
%% for large characters. A solution would be to include internal
%% support for comma below in the same way like for the dot below,
%% so \C{t} to create the t comma below, etc.
%% Because of the euro symbol the tetex-eurosym package has to be
%% installed. Otherwise an alternative is made to "draw" the character
%% on place. Uncomment that line and comment the next one.
%% Latin10 is also coming with support for the German double quotations.
%% You have to use babel with a language that support those quotations,
%% German and Romanian come now in my mind...
%% Because of \textdegree you might want to use \usepackage{textcomp} in
%% your document.
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
   [2001/10/07 v0.01 Input encoding file
                        (test version: still liable to change)]
\DeclareInputText{161}{\k A}
\DeclareInputText{162}{\k a}
%\DeclareInputText{164}{{\sffamily C\makebox[0pt][l]{\kern-.70em\mbox{--}}\makebox[0pt][l]{\kern-.68em\raisebox{.25ex}{--}}}}
\DeclareInputText{166}{\v S}
\DeclareInputText{168}{\v s}
\DeclareInputText{174}{\@tabacckludge' Z}
\DeclareInputText{178}{\v C}
\DeclareInputText{180}{\v Z}
\DeclareInputText{184}{\v z}
\DeclareInputText{185}{\v c}
\DeclareInputText{190}{\" Y}
\DeclareInputText{195}{\u A}
\DeclareInputText{199}{\c C}
\DeclareInputText{202}{\^ E}
\DeclareInputText{203}{\" E}
\DeclareInputText{207}{\" I}
\DeclareInputText{213}{\H O}
\DeclareInputText{216}{\H U}
\DeclareInputText{219}{\^ U}
\DeclareInputText{221}{\k E}
\DeclareInputText{227}{\u a}
\DeclareInputText{231}{\c c}
\DeclareInputText{245}{\H o}
\DeclareInputText{248}{\H u}
\DeclareInputText{253}{\k e}
%% End of file `latin10.def'.

The log file from running LaTeX on the sample:


End of LaTeX2e bug report.

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