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Bug#204459: Atsuhito, are non-english hyphenation patterns really needed?

From: frank@kuesterei.ch (Frank Küster)
Subject: Bug#204459: Atsuhito, are non-english hyphenation patterns really needed?
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 12:33:54 +0200

> That might occur. However, this bug was reported because it was "not
> possible" to add german and french patterns. The reason is, of course,
> that they are there in any case, it's simply not necessary. And I think
> more people will be surprised (like Andreas) that they can't choose them
> than by having to specify them.
> So will you apply my patch?

Yes, I will do so if no one objected with good reason.  
One more option might be to modify templates like;

Default: french[=patois], german[=austrian-alte_Rechtschreibung], ngerman[=naustrian-neue_Rechtschreibung]

my intention is; one could deselect french, german or ngerman but 
by default these are selected in a same way as the upstream settings.

But I'm not sure if this would work as I expected with only
the above modification because I didn't try this yet.  I only 
invetsigated the templates of xserver-xfree86 
(Template: xserver-xfree86/config/modules) and suspected it 
might work.

Please provide any comments or advices.

Regards,			2003-8-18(Mon)

 Debian Developer & Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@debian.org>
 Department of Math., Univ. of Tokushima

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