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Re: current state of cm-super

On Jun 03 2003, C.M. Connelly wrote:
> Okay, the files are available from 
>    <http://people.debian.org/~cmc/>

Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks! Thanks Claire and everybody else
involved in packaging both cm-super and tetex! Your work is very much

In fact, this upload of cm-super has a perfect timing because with
high probability I am finishing my M.Sc. work today or tomorrow
(please cross your fingers for me so that it actually is true!) and I
was looking at installing cm-super for generating pdf files of my
thesis with the Concrete Mathematics fonts, which are, otherwise, only
available as Type 3 fonts.

I am downloading the package right now (it is indeed a bit large), but
I can provide you with some feedback if that is wanted.

Thank you very much from a very happy user, Rogério Brito.

P.S.: I'm using sarge.
  Rogério Brito - rbrito@ime.usp.br - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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