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Bug#130309: tetex-bin: libwww configure script won't regenerate from configure.in

On 21.01.02 Theo Markettos (atm26@cam.ac.uk) wrote:


Package: tetex-bin
Version: 1.0.7+20011202-2
Severity: normal

> In the above tetex-bin source archive, attempting to regenerate
> libs/libwww/configure from libs/libwww/configure.in doesn't work,
> at least for the current 'testing' release of autoconf (version
> below).  The resultant Makefile comes out with ac_include lines,
> which are in Makefile.in but aren't being obeyed.  I'm doing
> 'autoconf' without any switches.
Bug still seems[1] to be present even in teTeX-2.0. However we don't
use the libww, which is deliverd with teTeX, but link rather with
libwww from another package. What to do: close, reassign?


[1] That "ac_include ../../texk/make/common.mk" etc. stuff is
substituted by the related files, if you run autoconf not in
libs/libwww, but in the upper directory (tested on

drachi:[libwww] >autoconf --version
Autoconf version 2.13
sigmentation fault

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