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Bug#198312: long file name cause Segmentation fault [SECURITY]

On 21.06.03 Anthraxz __ (bouloumag@hotmail.com) wrote:


> pslatex does not handle correctly a long file name. This cause the
> program to Segfault.
> # pslatex `perl -e 'print "ffffffffffffffff"x8086'`
At least on my box:

drachi:[hille] >uname -a
Linux drachi 2.4.21 #1 Sat Jun 14 00:38:32 CEST 2003 i686 unknown

I can't touch a file with a filename of that length.

drachi:[hille] >touch `perl -e 'print "ffffffffffffffff"x16'`.tex
touch: creating `<big snip>.tex': File name too long

In the moment I don't understand why do you want to call latex on a
file, which can't exist. Maybe I missed your point...

sigmentation fault

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