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Bug#171214: tetex-base: please include txr3.map and pxr3.map for dvipdfm

On 2002-12-01T10:49:32+0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> With my quick investigation, txr3.map, pxr3.map are specific 
> to dvipdfm and it need to add the entry to dvipdfm's config file 
> so I suspect that it might be dvipdfm which is responsible for
> txr3.map, pxr3.map.

> As I do not know so much about txfonts, pxfonts so I would
> not reassign this bug to dvipdfm yet.

> If you have any idea, please let me know.

Having considered the issue a bit more, I don't really have an opinion
on whether it is tetex* or dvipdfm* that should contain the [tp]xr3.map
files.  So please feel free to reassign the bug to dvipdfm.


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