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Progress (?) Update

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Gosh, this is so much fun!

The initial build went fine, but cleaning up the lintian errors
has not been fun at all, as it seems like every time I fix one
problem or group of problems, new ones pop up.

tetex-bin, I hope, should build properly now. (*fingers crossed*,
*knock on wood*).  It was fine the second time I built it except
that a lone config.status file somehow got left behind.

tetex-base, however, is a bit of a mess.  Lintian complained about
a slew of extra license/copyright documents, which I've been
trying to get rid of ever since.  The problem is that the rules
file copies the whole texmf tree into place, and then sorts bits
out into packages based on the contents of the files.* files that
it generates.

I think I have that handled now -- the rules file drops the
problematic files from the files.all file immediately after
files.all is generated.  Later, after the texmf tree is copied, a
script is run to delete the files so they don't end up in another

A new problem I just noticed, however, is that dpkg-source seems
to have decided not to add ``negative'' files to the diff file for
the files we've deleted from the CVS archive.  That means, I
think, that building using cvs-buildpackage (or a tree exported
from CVS) will work fine, but a tree created by unpacking the
orig.tar.gz file and applying the diff file as a patch (as is done
by every autobuilder and pretty much anyone who wanted to build
their own package from scratch) is still going to have the files
we've deleted.  I haven't figured out how to deal with this
situation yet, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to add some code
to the rules file (or a separate script) that checks to see if
those files are in the source tree, and deletes them if they are.


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS
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