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Logic for Purge/Build

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Here's my plan:

   1. Create a branch off the main sources for both tetex-base and

   2. Delete files as necessary

   3. Tinker with debian/rules if necessary

   4. Add notes to debian/README.debian for both tetex-base and

   5. Build tetex-base, tetex-extra, and tetex-src packages from
      the branches

   6. Build tetex-bin from main trunk (not affected by the

The idea here is that we can easily back off the changes I'm going
to have to make if or when additional authors get in touch with
Thomas or me.  I also think that if we can't distribute a package,
we also shouldn't be distributing its sources (even in the source

At some point Thomas will also be making a new release of teTeX
and his texmf tree; it would make more sense to replace our trunk
sources than the branch (which will be Debian-only, and hopefully
only for the immediate future).  We may need to get special
permission or browbeat the release maintainer into letting us
update more than just the most trivial stuff for some future woody
incremental release.

Questions, complaints, or advice are more than welcome!  I'm going
to be doing some reading to make sure I know what I'm doing, and
taking a few hours off, so if anyone's around and checking mail
before about 2:00 PM Pacific Time, please chime in!


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS
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