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Broken tetex-base?

I've just tried to install the cygnus-stylesheets package, which
supplies db2pdf, which the wine documentation requires to build

Having downloaded the dependencies to this package, then the modem
crapping out, I restarted the install with:

apt-get install cygnus-stylesheets

It downloaded the remaining packages, then started configuring, which
brought up a "dialog" box saying:

"Could not find default config file for pdftex (pdftex.cfg).

The programm will exit now."

and an OK button, which on clicking gives a load of dependency errors
starting with:

"dpkg: error processing tetex-base (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"

It seems that this is a bug, but has anyone got a workaround that
doesn't incur me downloading another 20-odd Megabytes over a 56K
modem?  And should I report it as a bug, there seems to be nothing
outstanding on bugs.debian.org?


Dave Jolley.

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