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Bug#107264: tetex-src: duplicates files from tetex-extra

Package: tetex-src
Version: 1.0.1+20000804-2
Severity: minor

        tetex-extra: /usr/share/texmf/bibtex/bst/natbib/plainnat.bst
        tetex-src: /usr/share/texmf/source/latex/natbib/plainnat.bst
these are the same. Other bsts in the same directories are duplicated
as well. I went and did more checks, and there is some intra-package
duplication as well:
are exactly the same, but not soft- or hard-linked. There are numerous
other examples. I listed them with the one-liner:

perl -e 'for $p (@ARGV) { open L, "dpkg -L $p|" or die "dpkg -L $p: $!"; while (<L>) { chomp; -f $_ && -s _ or next; chomp($s = `md5sum <$_`); $n = join(":",(stat _)[0,1]); $b = -s _; if (exists $f{$s} && $f{$s}{n} ne $n) { print "$f{$s}{path} ($f{$s}{pkg}) vs $_ ($p) [$b]\n"; $sum += $b } else { $f{$s} = {pkg => $p, path => $_, n => $n} }}} print "$sum bytes could be saved\n"' tetex-extra tetex-src

This gives more than 500 dupes with a total save potential in excess
of 4 MB!

It would be very nice if this duplication could be removed. One
possibility would be to symlink one location to the other, if a dupe
cannot be altogether removed.

For the inter-package cases, to ensure that the real version exists,
you'd have to use depends, or put the real file in both packages, and
use replaces.

-- System Information
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Kernel Version: Linux hoss 2.4.4-fcaps-hoss #1 Fri May 25 19:29:24 CEST 2001 i686 unknown

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