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I am using latex to produce a thesis through pdflatex. I also use hyperref.
The version of hyperref in the potato version of tetex-extra is "a bit old"
and has some bugs which annoy me. I would like to install a new one. How can I
do it in a good way? I would like to install it in my home directory or in
/usr/local and to have the most recent version used.
I hope you can give me some tips.

Thanx in advance.
| Lucien SAVIOT                   saviot@pcml.univ-lyon1.fr
| LPCML,  43 bd du 11/11/1918,  F-69622 Villeurbanne cedex
| Tel: (33) (0) 4-72-43-29-72   Fax: (33) (0) 4-72-43-11-30

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