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Bug#71935: tetex-bin: xdvi segfaults with -nogrey

"BF" == Bernd Feige <charly@pst15.ukl.uni-freiburg.de> writes:

   BF> Package: tetex-bin Version: 1.0.7+20000807-1 Severity:
   BF> important

   BF> Dear tetex maintainer,

   BF> Subject says it all. I had XDvi*grey set to false, so the
   BF> package didn't work for me at all at first. Try

   BF> /usr/X11R6/bin/xdvi.real -nogrey anything.dvi

   BF> The other parameters don't appear to change
   BF> anything. Strangely, the 'G' keypress is able to switch
   BF> antialiasing off...


What's happening is that the copyGC (Graphics Context) pointer is
set to null because it was never initialized.

The segfault happens when copyGC is passed into XDrawImageString
on line 2032 of texk/xdvik/events.c:

	XDrawImageString(DISP, mane.win, copyGC,
	    5 - window_x, 5 + X11HEIGHT - window_y, message, strlen(message));

When using greyscale, copyGC is defined by the init_pix()
function.  Without greyscale (i.e., with the -nogrey flag), copyGC
is never initialized, which causes xdvi to crash in

The following patch adds a line to the appropriate function that
initializes copyGC, which allows xdvi to run with the -nogrey

--- texk/xdvik/events.c.orig	Sun Aug 22 06:33:35 1999
+++ texk/xdvik/events.c	Mon Sep 18 13:11:44 2000
@@ -876,6 +876,7 @@
 			GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground, &values))
 	    foreGC = foreGC2 = ruleGC = NULL;
+	    copyGC = MakeGC(GXcopy, fore_Pixel, back_Pixel);
 	    if (copy || (set_bits && clr_bits))
 		ruleGC = MakeGC(GXcopy, fore_Pixel, back_Pixel);
 	    if (copy) foreGC = ruleGC;

Solution:  Apply the patch and rebuild the package.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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