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Re: problem installing bullseye..

John Watts composed on 2021-06-24 14:45 (UTC-0600):

> I can't get to that stage, the bullseye operating system won't boot.  I
For what definition of "won't boot"?

> have been using nouveau in Buster and it works well enough for my
> uses.  So far, I think I have missed something or else there is a
> problem in the "testing" netinst.iso at this point.
Did you try booting the fallback/rescue stanza or by appending nomodeset to the
linu line in the default boot entry, and/or adding plymouth=0 there?

Did you try booting/installing something other than the demanding and finicky
Gnome on Wayland?

Are you able to remote login?
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
	based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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