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Bug#988963: upgrade-reports: upgrade process requires a second "apt full-upgrade"

On 2021-05-22, Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 22-05-2021 21:42, Bill Allombert wrote:
>> Do you have a list of packages whose upgrade triggers this issue ?
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?att=2;bug=988003;filename=Samantha_upgrade_logs.tar.gz;msg=5
> has a dpkg-get-selection file with the list of installed packages.
> And the reporter of that bug was very responsive, so we can ask further.
> Also Vagrant should be able to give feedback (in CC).

So far I've seen guile-2.2-libs on almost all of of the ~25 systems I've
upgraded. I noticed zile also on one of the recent ones. I have vague
memories of a small number of other packages, but unfortunately
neglected to record them.

live well,

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