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Bug#988003: Bullseye upgrade report

So when I did the dist-upgrade, the only thing to get changed was guile upgrading itself, I don’t recall anything else changing.

I did it shortly after the full upgrade.

Yeah I’m not touching it. It’s my programming/NAS/ source code server box so I just need that sucker to be reliable.


On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 01:14 Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> wrote:
Hi Jose,

Bear with me, this is my first time really digging into an upgrade report.

On 14-05-2021 02:03, Jose Caban wrote:
> I was able to get past it by doing a “dist-upgrade”, I thought it was my
> fault and that's what google said.

Hmm, you already did an $(apt full-upgrade) which *should* take care of
it. Did you use apt-get when you ran the "dist-upgrade"? Did any
packages get removed in the dist-upgrade process?

> I've attached the output from that command, seems as though it can be
> removed? I'm not sure what pulled it in.  If there's anything else I
> can do to help, please let me know.

I wouldn't do that, either this stack, or the alternative one going to
be installed while removing are needed by other pieces on your system. I
don't see any reason why you'd want to make the switch.


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