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Re: ftp.gr.debian.org for debian-testing is down?

On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 17:56:26 +0200
Pavlos Ponos <pavlos.ponos@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Pavlos,

>Since last week I've been trying to run apt update but I keep getting 
>the following error message when it comes to ftp.gr.debian.org.

Personally, I would suggest you don't use a specific repo, but use 
http://deb.debian.org/debian/ instead.  This uses a whole swathe of
servers, connecting you to the best(1) server for you at that time.
It's also far less prone to 'server down' errors.

(1) For certain values of 'best', of course.  Which may not be the
fastest/closest server, but will always give you a pretty good result,

 Regards  _
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