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Re: Gnome3 on Wheezy

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On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 16:33:15 -0600
Philip Reardon <pcr@pcrt.us> wrote:

> I like Gnome3 a lot! But while I could use it under Fedora on my older
> hardware, I never could get it to work under Wheezy until I bought a
> refurbished ATI Radeon 9600SE for about $30 and installed it.  After
> some bumps (Wheezy did not ask for the necessary firmware during
> install, so I had to modify sources.list to add the contrib and
> non-free repositories, then apt-get install firmware-linux and
> firmware-linux-nonfree and reboot) I now have all that Gnome3 goodness
> on Debian. I think maybe some of the recent gnome critics just need a
> new video card.

I think you're missing a point here. Many of us use Debian because we
support software freedom, and using non-free drivers and firmware
(while sometimes necessary) is in opposition to that stance. I would
personally prefer not to use non-free software on my computer, so when
my last computer finally completely broke down I made sure to buy a
computer with hardware fully supported by free software drivers.

A lot of the most popular/powerful video cards (such as from ATI and
nVidia) become somewhat crippled if used with only free-software driver
implementations, and while I love Gnome3 as well, it's safe to say that
its graphical requirements (at least for now) are not very
freedom-friendly. What use is your ATI card for someone who wants to
avoid locked-down, proprietary firmware? Not much, if they want to use

Thankfully now I have a computer with Intel HD integrated graphics,
which is very well supported; others are not so lucky.

- -- 

"There are two types of people in the world: those who
  can extrapolate from incomplete data."
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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