debian-testing Feb 2009 by subject
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Bug#514443: Also, /dev/disk symlink name changes for USB drives
Bug#514443: upgrade-reports: etch->lenny upgrade: problems with dhcp, user-mode-linux, apcupsd, atftpd, x11-apps, cpufreq-info, nfs-common
Bug#515839: Lenny upgrade-report: i386; LVM vg not found at boot
Bug#515839: Lenny upgrade-report: i386; LVM vg not found at boot
Bug#516176: upgrade-reports: etch->Lenny (2009-02-17): "SPACEBAR" not working when X is up
Processed: Re: Bug#514443: upgrade-reports: etch->lenny upgrade: problems with dhcp, user-mode-linux, apcupsd, atftpd, x11-apps, cpufreq-info, nfs-common
The last update was on 19:39 GMT Wed May 01. There are 8 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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