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Bug#416239: upgrade-reports: upgrade report from Sarge Japanese environment to Etch

Hi vorlon,

At Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:58:59 -0700,
Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 03:42:58PM +0900, kmuto wrote:
> > * vmware i386
> > * Initial Sarge installation with Japanese desktop and uim, mlterm, and
> >   mlterm-im-uim
> Could you be more precise about which packages are included in this?  Not
> having vmware, I can't find an obvious way to get a "Japanese desktop" task
> outside of the installer.

OK, attached the dpkg -l list of Sarge Japanese environment.

> > 'aptitude install initrd-tools libfam0 xlibmesa-glu x11-common'
> > trys to remove many packages such as KDE.
> > I dropped x11-common from the install target, then the installation
> > succeeded.
> Hmm, but x11-common needed to be added to the list in order for server
> upgrades to work... :/

Well, alternative method "x11-common xfree86-common-" still wanted to
remove GNOME on my environment, as same as you described...

> > 'aptitude dist-upgrade' just removed mozilla / mozilla-locale-ja without
> > replacing by iceweasel.
> This isn't reproducible with the package set I had; 'mozilla-browser' is
> among the packages being upgraded in the dist-upgrade.

Oops, I missed mozilla-browser was replaced not by iceweasel but by iceape.
The migration from mozilla-browser to iceape seems success, though there
aren't iceape-l10n-* package in Etch.

"aptitude dist-upgrade" updates mozilla-psm at first. mozilla-psm
depends iceape-browser. iceape-browser replaces/conflicts mozilla-browser.
mozilla-locale-ja depends mozilla-browser v1.7.8.

So it's a natural result that mozilla-browser and mozilla-locale-ja
are removed by dist-upgrade.

> > 'check which kernels are installed with dpkg -l *-image-* | grep ^ii',
> > but Sarge installed -386 flavour. So I think it is better to describe
> > about the name change of 386->486 in upgrade-note.
> Agreed.  Would you mind updating the wiki with this comment?

Oh, someone already noted it. :)

Kenshi Muto

Attachment: sarge-pkg.txt.gz
Description: Binary data

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