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Re: USB storage and scsi disk device name woes

Sam Morris wrote:

> Try using labels or UUIDs to recognise the devices you mount.
> # e2label /dev/sdb1 root
>  or
> # dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb1 | grep UUID
> Filesystem UUID:          502a2a27-6b08-43f2-82f9-99b0af7c6e26
> Other filesystems will hopefully have similar utilities that let you label
> them or discover their UUIDs.
> Once you have a label or UUID, instead of referring to "/dev/sdb1" in
> /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.list, specify "LABEL=root" or
> "UUID=502a2a27-6b08-43f2-82f9-99b0af7c6e26".
> If you have udev installed, it will use this information to create
> persistant symlinks in /dev/disk that you can use as well.

Thanks for the hint: The label thing was the solution: Using xfs and
ext3 partitions I could label them and now everything is running fine.
It was a bit of a hassle, because one cannot modify the label of a
mounted xfs partition. But luckily knoppix comes with xfs_admin, so I
just had to boot from CD...



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