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Mounting partition as fs


I just finished installing Sarge and need some help with a really simple

I have a PC configured to dual-boot between Win XP and Debian. I created a
partition and loaded XP first and then I did the basic netinstall. I let the
installer use the remaining space on the HD to create the working and swap
partitions. I cannot get apt-get to talk my office's proxy server, so I
downloaded the sixteen .iso CD images for the testing distribution using the
XP partition on the box.

I need to mount the XP partition in Linux so that I can point apt-get to it
and load the packages from the .iso s. Could someone suggest a mount syntax
that should allow me to do this? The XP partition should be 0 since it was
created first, the fs is ntfs and there's no critical data on either
partition yet. 

I'd also like to know - since I'm doing this for testing purposes - is there
any harm in simply installing all the available packages? I have about 100
GB to play with on the Linux partition.

Thanks & regards

Greg Baker

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