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Help to create custom debian installer

Hi all,

As the title says, I'm trying to build a custom Sarge installer with a 2.6.12 kernel patched with the ac ones to install Debian on a ite 8212F raid controller. I do this on a etch box.

I tried with a etch 2.6.15 kernel but got a lot of prbs because of the devfs changes in the kernel. I gave up. And compiled a custom 2.6.12 kernel named "2.6.12.itx821-686".

I have a recurrent pb during this process :
I couldn't make the boot files for the install CD with
"make build_cdrom_isolinux-2.6"
(even with the 2.6.15 kernel) because of the lack of the socket-modules (containing modules that are indeed in my custom 2.6.12 kernel but weren't in the debian 2.6.15 kernel set of modules).
I realised that the command
./debian/rules binary from the directory
didn't build the socket-modules-2.6.12.itx821-686-di udeb, despite of the fact that this module does exist in the /usr/share/kernel-wedge/modules/ directory (but not in the /usr/src/linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6-1.21/modules/i386 directory) and the specified modules in the "udeb" package are indeed in the /lib/module/2.6.12.itx821-686 directory.

I tried to put a "socket-modules" file in the /usr/src/linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6-1.21/modules/i386 directory, containing "#include<socket-modules>" and appended to the /usr/src/linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6-1.21/package-list file :
"Package: socket-modules
Depends: kernel-image"

But the only result of
was :
kernel-wedge check
find: debian/socket-modules-2.6.12.itx821-686-di : Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type (no such file or directory)
socket-modules-2.6.12.itx821-686-di will be empty
make: *** [binary-arch] Erreur 1

I'm stucked here...How can I tell the build process to incorporate these modules (af_packet.ko, unix.ko) in a udeb package in order to go on and toward the next problem :) ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Haut par-dessus leur tête voguaient les blanches sculptures
des nuages, comme en la cervelle de Michel-Ange des volutes
de concept.
M. Lowry

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