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Re: Knowlegde on FSC RX100S3 with Kernel 2.6 and Debian

Martin Hofmann schrieb:


>Has everyone testet the Kernel 2.6 from Debian-etch with a FSC RX100S3
>Machine. I try to Install this Maschinetype with Debian Netinstaller Image
>from 23-Nov-2005. But i can not see some Disk Devices. There are two SATA II
>Disks in the System with configured to a Raid 1 Mirror via LSI onBoard Raid
i testet it on a RX220 one week ago. But the installer didn't find the
SATA Devices so i bootet with the Ubuntu Dapper Drake Live CD for amd64
an installed Debian Sarge with debootstrap and then i've to build an own
Kernel. In debian-backports there is an amd64 kernel (2.6.15) which have
the driver for the SATA-Controler included. If u need more help i'll try
to help you. :)

>Thanks / Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen 
>Martin Hofmann
Philipp Frik

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