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Re: Testing upgrade breaks printing, mutt and xserver

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 08:57:07PM -0700, Art Edwards wrote:
> I just upgraded a testing machine and broke many items, including:
> CUPSYS        gs grinds endlessly on a test page for my HP5550 printer. 
> I'm using hpijs and                         hplip
> mutt            I receive send errors
This might be due to needing to restart exim4.

> xserver.org   This broke my graphics. I ended up reinstalling the 
> previous xserver package,                          which restored my 
> graphics. This was particularly difficult because the entire             
>            system would hang. I ended up booting into recovery mode to 
> fix this.
> The only completely intractable problem is CUPSYS. I don't know whether 
> the problem is in gs or elsewhere. In top, gs, called by lp, is grinding 
> constantly. Any insight would be appreciated
Please don't sent package problems to a mailing list; instead, figure
out what packages are buggy, and file bugs, so they can be tracked.

debian-user might be appropriate to ask "does anyone else have this
problem" or "how can i find what package is responsible", but these
are not specifically "upgrade reports".


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