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Re: Easy question for new user regarding sources.list

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 06:50:25PM -0500, resonant evil wrote:
> Hi all..  I just installed Debian from a TESTING net install image I
> downloaded, and just have 1 or 2 easy questions that I can hopefully get
> answered and save in my inbox so I never have to ask again :)
> 1st question:  I seem to be missing alot of packages that I can't get
> through aptitude.  From memory, I remember there is a key step in adding
> some additional lines to my /etc/apt/sources.list .  Also, I want to use
> current-version software if that is possible..  My /etc/apt/sources.list is
> as follows:
> ---
> # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot i386
> Binary-1 (20060114)]/ etch main
> deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-1
> (20060114)]/ etch main
> deb http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/debian/ etch main
This should pull in about 20k packages..

> I thought I remembered having many more lines than that, but am sorry that I
> have forgotten what they are..  I tried googling around 'debian etch
> sources.list' and things like that, but nothing that I could find that
> explained the process :(   The reason I think I am missing key packages is
> because basic things like 'ncurses' or 'ncurses-devel' for me to even do a
> 'make menuconfig' for my kernel are missing and can't be obtained through
> aptitude :-(
Any reason not to run a Debian kernel?

Anyway, the ncurses package you want for kernel menuconfig is called

> And I suppose the second question is, this version I am using is ETCH, which
> is one version behind SID right?
Etch is not yet released.  What is presently testing will become etch
in the next 12 months (do some work and cross your fingers ..), with
some more package migrations, transitions, license changes, etc.  All
that will happen first in "sid" and then migrate to "testing" which
will someday be labelled "etch".

> Is SID too unstable for me to use?
You can expect it to be always somewhat broken, and you're not allowed
to complain about it.

> I'd really like to try things like the new Gnome or the newest
> versions of KDE,
I don't know anything about such things :)

> and programs like gaim beta 2.0+ which require the newest versions
> of GTK and such..
If you mean gtk 2.8, it is in testing

Clear skies,

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